Pillar-uiYour Comprehensive, Accessible UI Toolkit with Hooks, Icons, and Utilities

A comprehensive set of reusable UI components, React hooks, icons and utilities for building React applications quickly and easily.

Currently, this library only supports React, but we are actively working on adding support for (Qwik, and Vue)

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Our Commitment

Building Accessible Experiences

High Contrast Mode

Designed for high contrast mode, ensuring readability for visually impaired users.!

Color Contrast

Meets WCAG contrast guidelines for readability by all users.!

Reduce Motion

Option to minimize animations for users with motion sensitivity.!

Keyboard Navigation

Full keyboard support for users who cannot use a mouse.!

Text Resizing

Supports text resizing for users with low vision.!

Focus Indicators

Clear focus indicators for keyboard navigation.!

Semantic Markup

Uses semantic HTML for accessibility and structure.!

Deliver Projects Faster

Effortless UI with Pillar UI

Unlock Efficiency

Build faster with pre-built components, hooks, and utilities.

All-in-One Solution

One library for UI elements, functionality, and visual assets.

Efficiency and Consistency

Reduce code duplication and ensure a cohesive design.

Lightweight Projects, Powerful Results

Optimize performance with shared functionality and streamlined code.

Simplify and Streamline

Focus on unique features, not reinventing common UI elements.

Empower Your Development Process

Build exceptional projects with efficiency and ease.

Subtle, Soothing, Smart

Night Mode: Effortless Elegance

Switch to dark mode with ease. Our useDarkMode hook ensures a smooth, flicker-free experience, compatible with major frameworks.

Our styles are dark mode-ready from the start. Simply add class="dark" to your elements, and watch them transform.

Effortless RTL Experiences:

Right-to-Left Support Built Right In

Our UI library ensures a welcoming experience for users worldwide.

  • 🌐

    Inclusive Experiences:

    Seamless support for any RTL language.

  • Intuitive Design:

    Automatic text alignment and visual order for a natural feel.

  • 🔨

    Pre-Built RTL Components:

    Effortlessly create interfaces that work across languages.

  • 🎯

    Flexible Customization:

    Add `dir='rtl'` to target specific areas for complete control.

  • 🤝

    Accessibility Focused:

    Design for everyone with RTL optimization at the core.

  • جون دو

    مصمم واجهة المستخدم/تجربة المستخدم

    مطور شغوف بخلق تجارب مستخدم سهلة وبديهية.

    120 الإعجابات

    350 المتابعون

    John Doe

    UI/UX Designer

    Passionate developer with a knack for creating intuitive user experiences.



    Change Theme

    Custom your perfect look in seconds!

    Customize your interface to showcase your personal flair. Adjust CSS variables for colors, fonts, and layouts to craft a design that’s unmistakably your own.

    In the theme settings, you can enhance your user experience by customizing various elements. This includes adjusting the size, corner details, and text transformations. You can select specific areas within the entire tree structure to apply these style changes, ensuring a consistent and personalized look.

    Framework Harmony:

    Effortless Integration with Pillar UI

    Pillar UI adapts to your workflow, enhancing your projects with ease. Stay ahead of the curve with support for emerging technologies.

    Lets Getting Start

    Build faster and lighter. Experience the power of our streamlined design system.


    Get involved in our community. Everyone is welcome!