Pillar UI React Button Component documentation

Create interactive and visually appealing buttons for your React applications. Customize styles, sizes, and behaviors to enhance user engagement and streamline navigation.


Button IconButton




import { Pillar UI React Button Component } from '@pillar-ui/core'


The Button component accepts the following props:


  • Type: string
  • Default: primary
  • Options: danger | warning | success | primary | secondary | bg

The color prop determines the background color of the Button. It accepts any of the Color types defined in your library, including primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, and light. If not provided, it defaults to the primary color.

Example usage:

function ButtonColors(){
        <Button color="dan" >Hello World</Button>
        <Button color='orange' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button color="suc" >Hello World</Button>
        <Button color="pri" >Hello World</Button>
        <Button color="sec" >Hello World</Button>
        <Button color='bg' >Hello World</Button>

        // ===== Icon Button Section=====
        <IconButton color="dan" />
        <IconButton color='orange' />
        <IconButton color="suc" />
        <IconButton color="pri" />
        <IconButton color="sec" />
        <IconButton color='bg' />


  • Type: string
  • Default: md
  • Options: 2xs | xs | sm | md | lg | xl | 2xl

The size prop determines the size of the Button. It accepts any of the Size types defined in your library, including (3xs, 2xs,xs, sm, md, and lg, xl, 2xl, 3xl). If not provided, it defaults to the md size.

Example usage:

function ButtonSizes(){
        <Button size='3xs' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button size='2xs' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button size='xs' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button size='md' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button size='lg' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button size='xl' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button size='2xl' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button size='3xl' >Hello World</Button>

        // ===== Icon Button Section=====
        <IconButton size='2xs' />
        <IconButton size='xs' />
        <IconButton size='xs' />
        <IconButton size='md' />
        <IconButton size='lg' />
        <IconButton size='xl' />
        <IconButton size='2xl' />



  • Type: string
  • Default: sm
  • Options: sharp | xs | sm | md | lg| xl | radius | full

The corner prop determines the border radius of the Button. It accepts any of the Corner types defined in your library, including (square, xs, sm, md, xl, full, circle), and pill. If not provided, it defaults to the square corner.

Example usage:

function ButtonCorners(){
        <Button corner='sharp' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button corner='xs' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button corner='md' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button corner='lg' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button corner='xl' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button corner='circle' >Hello World</Button>
        <Button corner='full' >Hello World</Button>

        // ===== Icon Button Section=====
         <IconButton corner='sharp' />
        <IconButton corner='xs' />
        <IconButton corner='md' />
        <IconButton corner='lg' />
        <IconButton corner='xl' />
        <IconButton corner='circle' />
        <IconButton corner='full' />



Type: string Default: undefined Options: solid | outline | soft | text | link

The corner prop determines the border radius of the Button. It accepts any of the Corner types defined in your library, including (square, xs, sm, md, xl, full, circle), and pill. If not provided, it defaults to the square corner.

Example usage:

function ButtonVariants() {
  return (
      <Button variant="solid">Hello World</Button>
      <Button variant="soft">Hello World</Button>
      <Button variant="outline">Hello World</Button>
      <Button variant="text">Hello World</Button>
      <Button variant="link">Hello World</Button>
      <Button variant="mixed">Hello World</Button>


The corner prop determines the border radius of the Button. It accepts any of the Corner types defined in your library, including (square, xs, sm, md, xl, full, circle), and pill. If not provided, it defaults to the square corner.

Example usage:

import {Close,Maximun,Minimum } from '@pillar-ui/icons'

function ButtonIcon(){

        <Button icon={<Close />} >Hello World</Button>
        <Button icon={<Maximun />} >Hello World</Button>
        <Button icon={<Minimum />} >Hello World</Button>

        // ===== Icon Button Section=====
        <IconButton icon={<Close />}  title='Close Modal' />
        <IconButton icon={<Maximun />}  title='Active Picture In Picture Mode' />
        <IconButton icon={<Minimum />}  title='disactive Picture In Picture Mode' />


  • Type: string
  • Default: start
  • Options: start | end

The iconPosition prop determines the position of the icon in relation to the button text. It can be one of start or end. By default, it is set to start.

Example usage:

import { Close, Maximun, Minimum } from '@pillar-ui/icons'

function ButtonIcon() {
  return (
    <Paper borderColor="opa-6" flow="sm" ="sm" background="bg-3" corner="sm">
      <Flex gap="sm" items="center" wrap>
        <Button icon={<Close />} iconPosition="end">
          Hello World
        <Button icon={<Maximize />}>Hello World</Button>
        <Button icon={<Minimize />} iconPosition="end">
          Hello World


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false
  • Options: true | false

The fluid prop determines if the button should take up the full width of its container. By default, it is set to false.

Example usage:

function ButtonIcon() {
  return (
      <Button fluid color="dan">
        Hello World
      <Button fluid color="orange">
        Hello World
      <Button fluid color="suc">
        Hello World
      <Button fluid color="pri">
        Hello World
      <Button fluid color="sec">
        Hello World
      <Button fluid color="bg">
        Hello World


Same as Button.

function IconButtonStates() {
  return (
    <Paper as={Flex} items="center" gap="xs">
      <Button state="idle" color="suc">
      <Button state="loading" color="suc">
      <Button disabled color="suc">

Custom Style

The "Custom Style" component offers a wide range of options for users to customize the visual appearance of various elements within their documents. In the example above, the component showcases two buttons within a flexible container.

Example usage:

import { Button } from '@pillar-ui/icons'

function ButtonsCustomStyle() {
  return (
    <Flex items="center" gap="xs">
      <Button style={{ background: 'orange' }} state="idle" color="suc">
        Hello world
      <Button className="u_secondary" color="suc">
        Hello world

Use Case

The Button component can be used in a variety of contexts to trigger an action or navigate to a different part of an application. Some common use cases for the Button component include:

  • Submitting a form
  • Triggering a modal or popover
  • Starting or stopping a process
  • Navigating to a different page or section of the application
  • Calling an API or performing an asynchronous action
  • By providing different colors, sizes, and variants, the Button component can be customized to fit the specific design needs of an application.


If the Button component is not behaving as expected, it may be due to an incorrect usage of the component or the props passed to it. Some common issues to check for include:

  • Incorrectly passing props to the Button component
  • Using an invalid value for a prop, such as an invalid color or variant
  • Improperly handling the onClick function or passing in an incorrect function
  • Missing required props for the Button component
  • If you are still having issues, try checking the documentation or seeking help from the community or the @pillar-ui/core library maintainers.


The Button component is a versatile component that can be used in a variety of contexts to trigger actions and navigate an application. By customizing its appearance and behavior using props, the Button component can be tailored to meet the specific design needs of an application.