useInterval documentation

A custom React hook for creating and managing intervals.




import { useInterval } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'


The useInterval hook is a custom React hook that allows you to create and manage intervals in your React components. It provides functions for starting, stopping, and toggling intervals, as well as a state variable to track the interval's status.


npm install  '@pillar-ui/hooks'


The useInterval hook takes the following parameters:

  • callback: () => void: The function to be called on each interval tick.
  • interval: number (optional, default: 150): The interval duration in milliseconds. This parameter is optional, and the default interval is set to 150 milliseconds.

Returned Value

The useInterval hook returns an object with the following properties and methods:

  • start(): Start the interval.
  • stop(): Stop the interval.
  • toggle(): Toggle the interval (start if inactive, stop if active).
  • active: A boolean indicating whether the interval is currently active.


To use the useInterval hook, call it inside your functional component:

import { useInterval } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'

function IntervalComponent() {
  const { start, stop, toggle, active } = useInterval(() => {
    console.log('Interval tick')
  }, 1000)

  return (
      <p>Interval is {active ? 'active' : 'inactive'}</p>
      <button onClick={start}>Start Interval</button>
      <button onClick={stop}>Stop Interval</button>
      <button onClick={toggle}>Toggle Interval</button>

In the example above, the useInterval hook is used to create and manage an interval. The start function starts the interval, the stop function stops the interval, and the toggle function toggles the interval between active and inactive states. The active variable is used to display the current status of the interval.

Implementation Details

The useInterval hook internally uses the useState, useRef, and useCallback hooks from React to manage the interval and its state. It also utilizes the usePersistentCallback hook to ensure the callback function remains stable across renders.

Error Handling

The useInterval hook performs some basic error checking on the input parameters to ensure they are valid. It logs an error message to the console if the interval is smaller than 0 or if it's NaN.


The useInterval hook simplifies the process of creating and managing intervals in your React components. Whether you need to implement periodic actions, animations, or any other timed functionality, this hook provides an easy-to-use solution.