
The useLocalStorage hook is a custom React hook that provides an interface for working with local storage while supporting Server-Side Rendering (SSR).




import { useLocalStorage } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'

Table of Contents

Why useLocalStorage

The useLocalStorage hook allows you to easily manage data in local storage within your React application. It provides a simple API for setting, getting, and removing values from local storage, while also supporting Server-Side Rendering (SSR).


To use the useLocalStorage hook, simply import it into your React component:

import { useLocalStorage } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'


The useLocalStorage hook takes an object with the following parameters:

  • key: string: The key under which the value will be stored in local storage.
  • initialValue: T: The initial value to use when the value is not found in local storage.
  • serialize?: (value: T) => string: A serialization function to convert the value to a string before storing it in local storage. Defaults to JSON.stringify.
  • deserialize?: (value: string) => T: A deserialization function to convert the stored string value back to its original format. Defaults to JSON.parse.

Returned Values

The useLocalStorage hook returns an object with the following properties and methods:

  • value: T: The current value stored in local storage.
  • setValue: (value: T) => void: A function to set the value in local storage.
  • removeValue: () => void: A function to remove the value from local storage.


To use the useLocalStorage hook, call it inside your functional component:

import { useLocalStorage } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'

function MyComponent() {
  const { value, setValue, removeValue } = useLocalStorage({ key: 'myKey', initialValue: 'myDefaultValue' })

  // Access the value stored in local storage console.log('Stored value:', value)

  // Set a new value in local storage const handleClick = () => { setValue('newValue') }

  // Remove the value from local storage const handleRemove = () => { removeValue() }

  return (
      {' '}
      <p>Stored value: {value}</p> <button onClick={handleClick}>Set Value</button>{' '}
      <button onClick={handleRemove}>Remove Value</button>{' '}

In the example above, the useLocalStorage hook is used to manage a value stored in local storage. The value property contains the current value, setValue can be used to set a new value, and removeValue removes the value from local storage.

Implementation details

The useLocalStorage hook uses the useState and useEffect hooks from React to manage the state and handle updates. It conditionally retrieves and sets values in local storage using the storageService object, which can be replaced with a custom implementation if needed.

TypeScript Support

The useLocalStorage hook is written in TypeScript and provides type definitions for its parameters and returned values.


The useLocalStorage hook simplifies working with local storage in your React application. By providing an easy-to-use interface and supporting SSR, this hook allows you to manage and persist data across multiple sessions and devices.