usePersistentCallback documentation

The usePersistentCallback hook is a custom React hook that allows you to create a persistent callback function that is preserved across renders.




import { usePersistentCallback } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'

Table of Contents

Why usePersistentCallback

The usePersistentCallback hook provides a way to create a persistent callback function that remains the same across multiple renders of a React component. It is useful in scenarios where the callback function needs to be preserved, such as when passing the callback as a dependency to other hooks or callbacks.


To use the usePersistentCallback hook, simply import it into your React component:

import { usePersistentCallback } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'


The usePersistentCallback hook takes a single parameter:

  • callback: T | undefined: The callback function that you want to make persistent.

Returned Value

The usePersistentCallback hook returns the persisted callback function of type T | undefined. The returned function has references to the previous versions of the callback argument, ensuring its stability across renders. It is important to note that the returned callback may be undefined if the input callback is undefined or not of function type.


To use the usePersistentCallback hook, call it inside your functional component:

import { usePersistentCallback } from '@pillar-ui/hooks'

function MyComponent() {
  const handleClick = usePersistentCallback((event: MouseEvent) => {
    console.log('Button clicked',

  return <button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>

In the example above, the usePersistentCallback hook creates a persistent callback function handleClick that logs a message when the button is clicked. The callback function remains the same even if MyComponent is re-rendered.

Implementation details

The usePersistentCallback hook uses the useRef, useEffect, and useMemo hooks from React to store and update the reference to the callback function. The persistedCallback ref is updated to hold the latest value of callback on each render. The persistedFunction is then created using useMemo to return a stable version of the callback function.


The usePersistentCallback hook allows you to create a persistent callback function that remains the same across renders. Whether you are passing the callback as a dependency or using it in other hooks or callbacks, this hook ensures the stability and persistence of the function.```